Last Scene is an art installation piece for my senior project degree in Interdisciplinary Computing and the Arts Major. During the first week of the project I knew I wanted to explore with color and installation much like my piece “I Wish” that I made two years prior. For that project I was unable to fully realize its size and potential which is why I wanted to revisit the project idea.
My plan is to create a fully enclosed space for viewers to step in and become immersed in. On the side there will be a door that will open and close for the audience to step through. All four sides of the installation will be filled with color to create a continuous picture. I plan on using paint chips and cutting them into circles in order to create a “painting” of Gliderport. I settled on the idea of Gliderport because I wanted to create a feeling of melancholy and remembrance since after I graduate it will be difficult to see the sunsets in San Diego again. The realization of graduating and moving back home finally struck me when beginning my senior project sine my entire time at UCSD was leading up to this one class. The paint chips will be treated like pixels, or blobs of paint and blended together to create a scene.

For the door I began looking up Youtube videos of people using Arduinos to create a mechanism with a sensor to create an automatic door.
Some Examples:
Gathering Materials
I purchased multiple circle hole punchers of various sizes for the paint chips. I also purchased a pack of PIR sensors and a 37 in 1 sensor pack. I was also able to go to my local Home Depot and acquire a stack of paint chips. I began by sorting them into their relative color family, I plan to mix and match various shades of color to give the illusion of an impressionist painting.