I was able to settle on how I will be fabricating my project for the next quarter. In the beginning stages of the process I was experimenting with the idea of having solid walls to stick the paint chips onto. I realized that creating the wall panels would be a big struggle from gathering materials to finding the right tools to put them together. I also have little experience working with wood and tools so that would be a huge setback, and after I pulled through I would still have to spend a lot of time putting the paint chips on everything. I decided to completely scrap the idea of solid panels and hang the paint chips on the pvc pipes like a beaded curtain. There will be a thin clear thread that is sandwiched between two paint chips. This also solves another issue I had in the ideation stage about what will happen to the outside of the installation if my main focus was the inside. Even though my main focal point is the inside the outside should still have an equal amount of care and ideation put into it. For the ceiling I plan to get wire racks that are normally for hanging pictures and notes to create a mesh on the top. This will allow me to stick paint chips on the ceiling as well as hold up my arduino.
I began by spray painting the pvc pipes a chrome color in order to get rid of the text on the sides and to make it look more consistent. After the pipes were painted I began assembling the base square with liquid cement.